The Creative Pre-School
Celebrating More Than 50 Years!


The Creative Pre-School invites children and their families to join our program from a waiting list.
The majority of the children enrolled begin at the Infant House. Creative is not arranged into classrooms and small families are planned for the children 12-36 months of age. Each family of toddlers stays together and slowly moves to the Big School through a process of expanding visitation with a caregiver they know and trust.
When spaces open, the office will look for children who have a birthday that fits the infant room or available toddler family. Creative strives for diversity in each group and will look on the waiting list for the appropriate age, then the needed sex, and cultural diversity.
Creative has very little attrition of children. Children who are moving soon or who want only a toddler program because they will attend another pre-school should not apply. We strive to promote long term relationships, so that the children, their families, and the Creative staff live daily in a trusting, loving environment.
Parent participation is a requirement for enrollment. Research clearly shows that the interest and participation of the family sets the trajectory for success in school. Creative has an open door policy for enrolled families and welcome their visitation at meals and special events. Creative is fortunate to have very active parent club. This group helps with special program events, staff and family support, and when needed, in an advisory capacity.