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Big School Themes


Children are encouraged to bring in items that support the themes. We love to have our families engaged in our program.  Your participation helps your child feel important and valued.  If you have a talent or theme specific knowledge you would like to share, please let us know!

September—Myself, My Family & My Home

Color—Shades of Brown

Shape—Sphere & Circle



Author—Mercer Mayer

Art - Vincent Van Gogh

Eco-Tip—Adopt an area on your road to help keep it free of litter


October—Real & Make Believe, Nocturnal Animals, Halloween

Colors—Orange & Black 

Shape—Triangle & Pyramid

Letters—T & H   

Animals—Tiger & Hippopotamus

Author—Bring a favorite Halloween book

Music — Hip Hop

Eco-Tip—Try to buy items without a lot of packaging.


November—Farms, Our Food & Being Thankful

Colors—Colors of Autumn Leaves (red, yellow, orange, and brown)

Shape—Cube & Square

Letters—F & L   

Animals—Frog & Lion

Author—Doreen Cronin 

Art—Pablo Picasso

Eco-Tip—More than 52 million tons of paper products were recycled in 2018.  That’s roughly the same weight as 350,000 blue whales.


December—Winter Celebrations 

Colors—Gold and Silver

Shape—Cone & Star


Animals—Stag (Santa’s Reindeer)  

Author—Chris Van Allsburg


Eco-Tip—Remember your neighbors & feathered friends (birds) by packaging birdseed to share with them.  Recycle your Christmas tree to your backyard and hang food on it.

January—Baby It's Cold Outside: Animals & People in Winter

Colors—Shades of Blue


Letters—B & D

Animals—Bear & Deer    

Author—Jan Brett

Art—Claude Monet

Eco-Tip—Save ribbons and wrapping paper to use in art projects and other creations.


February—Friends, Friends, Friends, Pets, and Valentine's Day

Color—Shades of Red

Shape—Cylinder & Heart

Letters—V & P   

Animals—Vultures & Porcupines

Author—Rosemary Wells


Eco-Tip—Consider sending outgrown toys/clothing to friends or agencies that can distribute them to those who are in need.



Color—Shades of Green 


Letters—R, J, & G

Animals—Robin, Jabiru, and Goose

Author—Dr. Seuss (BD is 3/2)
& Jane Yolen

Art—Edgar Degas

Eco-Tip—Most Americans throw away more than 4 lbs. of trash each day.  Find ways to add less to our landfills. Cardboard boxes can be recycled 7 times!


April—Wild Animals

Color—Colors of Spring


Letter—Z, Q, W, & K     

Animals—Zebra, Quail, Whale, Kangaroo

Author—Peggy Rathmann


Eco-Tip—Invest in reusable shopping bags.

May—Insects and Rainbows



Letters—C, N, & Y        

Animals—Centipede, Nightingale, Yak

Author—William Joyce & Lois Ehler

Art—Leonardo da Vinci

Eco-Tip—Start your own compost pile by using fruit and vegetable scraps from your kitchen.


June—Ways to Travel and Things
That "Go"

Color—Colors of the Sun

Shapes—Oval & Ellipse

Author—Salina Yoon


Eco-Tip—Use energy saving light bulbs in your home. If you recycle one glass bottle it saves enough energy to light a 100 watt bulb for 4 hours.


July—Ocean and Ocean Life

Colors—The Colors of Our Flag: Red, White, and Blue

Shape—Octagon & Rectangle

Author—Eric Carle

Art—Claude Monet

Eco-Tip—Snip your six pack rings so that land and sea animals are safe.


August—Essential Workers

Color—Experimenting with color 


Author—Kate & Jim McMillan


Eco-Tip—Check all your water faucets for small leaks.  SAVE WATER

2746 West Tharpe Street    •    Tallahassee, Florida 32303    •    850.386.1450    •    850.422.1283 FAX    •

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